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OCTOBER 1, 2022


The Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) is a modified benefit formula that can reduce the size of your Social Security retirement. Congress approved the Windfall Elimination Provision in 1983 as part of a larger package of Social Security reforms. The intent was to remove an unintended advantage to workers who have earnings and pensions outside the Social Security system, but who also worked in jobs and paid into Social Security.

The Social Security Fairness Act (S. 1302/H.R. 82) and the Social Security 2100 Act (S. 3071/H.R.5723), making their way through Capitol Hill are aimed at repealing the Windfall Elimination Provision.

For more information you can click here, or here.  More information will be going to your reps as it becomes available.


By now, you are probably aware that Bell Mountain Middle School and Callie Kirkpatrick Elementary went through a three hour lockdown because of a threat posted on social media. Twenty officers descended on the two sites to ensure the safety of students and staff. The police also determined and arrested the perpetrator. This may be a good time to remind your students that any pranks - like pulling fire alarms, calling in bomb scares, or making threats – as harmless as they may seem, could lead to severe consequences.


If it seems that negotiations are an endless cycle, it is because that is exactly what they are. Last week both sides Sunshined (exchanged lists of priorities for negotiations) which included Hours, Evaluations, Salary, Special Education, and Class Size, and Employee Benefits, which included an increasing the CAP and retiree benefits. The next negotiation session is scheduled for September 15.


Currently, with 567 certificated staff, we are looking to form a Membership Committee tasked with making sure all paperwork is current as well as answering member questions regarding available benefits. Interested persons should please MTA Vice President Lee Eddy at Vice at


According to the Arizona Capitol Times, Arizona ranks 50th in teachers’ salaries. This may account for the fact that schools were able to fill fewer than one out of every five vacancies they had for this school year. And 55% of those they did manage to fill were with people who are not actually certified educators.


Thanks to social media, there is a very thin line between your social life and your professional life.  Be very conscious and very careful about what you post on your social media accounts.

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