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      Menifee Teachers Association

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Menifee Teachers Association

Join for discussions, information and interaction.

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Menifee USD

Menifee Union School District



Riverside County Office of Education 

The Riverside County Office of Education (RCOE) helps set specific educational goals, provide financial oversight to ensure fiscal solvency and give credential oversight to ensure all teachers in the county are properly authorized for the subject area(s) they are assigned to teach.


California Commission on Teacher Credentialing

The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC) main focus is in issuing and renewing teaching credentials and setting standards. for teacher preparation programs and overseeing credentialing programs at universities and colleges throughout California to ensure they meet those standards.  Any questions about credentialing including dates for renewal – start here.

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California Teachers Association

California Teachers Association is the unified voice for educators in California’s public schools and community colleges. With the combined strength and commitment of 310,000 members, CTA is a powerful and passionate advocate for students and public education.


National Education Association

Statewide Association Website

Benefits, Conferences, News

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